Highlights of 2024
Township’s new website at is up and running. You can find ordinances and resolutions, voting information, township contacts, forms and permits, agendas and minutes and tax information there. Town board meetings held 2nd Wed. of each month. Attendance is encouraged.
Township decided to go with Bruce Gardiner Appraisal Services, LLC for town assessor. Contact at 608-732-4481
No changes were made to compensation for elected board members.
Meeting notices posted at town hall, Richland Observer building and on town website.
Township has hired Burkhamer Excavating and Construction, LLC for snow plowing and maintaining roads. Contact at 608-475-9623
New road work on Maple Grove Road has been postponed until spring of 2025. Township approved new agreement with Richland County Ambulance and All- Hazard Mitigation Plan.
New lighting was completed in town garage.
Township insurance was renewed with Rural Mutual.
Room tax of 8% adopted for short term rentals. Tourism Commission was created.
Heavy rain caused damage to all township roads this spring. PLEASE NOTE: Please make sure culverts around your property remain clear. Per Wi State Statutes 86.022 a person can be fined for placing an obstruction in any ditch. Please keep culverts and ditches clear for water to flow freely.
A condensed tax list is not available this year. To print/view tax bill go to, Departments, Treasurer, tax parcel information. Click Property, click I Accept, Type in owners name, search, click on property tax number, Click taxes, at bottom click Print Tax Bill.
Tax break down:
Richland County $848,129.86
Richland Schools $1,270,835.48
Ithaca Schools $165,669.67
SW Tech $135,840.30
Richland Township $235,346.00
THE TOWN HALL PHONE IS NO LONGER IN SERVICE. For emergencies or problems call Chairman: Matt Williams 383-9003, Supervisors: Aaron Palmer 604-8696 Matt Schmitz 604-4800, Clerk: Kayla Williams 604-5048, Treasurer: Jane Ewing 647-2622.
As last year I will only return receipts when requested. I try to send receipts for payments received from mortgage companies so you know payment was made.
I WILL NOT BE COLLECTING TAXES AT THE TOWN HALL THIS YEAR since I have a new tax program which requires internet service allowing your tax payments to show up on the County Treasurer’s web site quicker. The town garage does not have internet service. I ask for your patience while working with the new program.
To pay by mail please send copy of tax bill along with a stamped self addressed envelope, for a receipt, to
Jane Ewing – Treasurer OR put in drop box in driveway
26394 Maple Grove Road up by house at same address
Richland Center, Wis. 53581
Please make checks payable to “Town of Richland” PLEASE BE SURE the amount written out on your check is correct. The bank credits this amount not the numerical amount from your account and is the amount credited for your taxes. ALSO REMEMBER to endorse escrow checks made out to you.
Please send copy of current veterinarian’s certificate for each dog 5 months old or older living in the township which should show owner’s name, address, dog’s name and breed, color and date of rabies vaccination, expiration date and serial number. Fees are as follows:
Female $8 Spayed Female $3 Male $8 Neutered Male $3